Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA, Wales, West Indies
Types of Boats, Ships, and Yachts Translated
We hope this will build into a handy reference for cruising yachtsmen on their travels

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Many thanks to Cornelis de Maijer for help with the Dutch
And to Sören Brinkmann with help on the German
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English Dutch French German Italian Polish Portuguese Spanish
boats, types of
1 barge gabare barcaza 1
2 boat boot bateau boot barca barca, barco 2
3 catamaran catamaran Katamaran nosconi catamarán 3
4 centre board dinghy dériveur Schwert 4
5 clipper klipper course croisière 5
6 cruising yacht kruiser croisière Yacht 6
7 dinghy bijboot canot, youyou Jolle/Beiboot 7
8 ferry veerboot bac, transbordeur 8
9 flybridge yacht flybridge jacht imbarcazione fly 9
10 goods barge barge barcaza 10
11 inflatable dinghy opblaas boot canot pneumatique imbarcazione pneumatica 11
12 inflatable life raft opblaasbare reddingsboot balsa salvavida inflable 12
13 ketch ketch ketch Ketch 13
14 life-boat reddingsboot canot de sauvetage bote salvavidas 14
15 liner paquebot carguero regular 15
16 lugger lougre 16
17 motorsailer motor zeiler voilier mixte Motorsegler 17
18 motor yacht motor jacht yacht motorjacht moto nave 18
19 passenger barge chaloupe 19
20 pleasure boat plezierboot natante di diporto 20
21 racing yacht speedboot course-croisière 21
22 rib rib membre costillage 22
23 river barge péniche 23
24 rowing boat roeiboat canot à rames Ruderboot 24
25 sailboard planche à voile 25
26 sailing boat zeilboot voilier Segelboot velero 26
27 sailing dinghy dériveur (Segel-) Jolle 27
28 sailing ship zeiljacht grand voilier Segelschiff 28
29 sand yacht char à voile 29
30 sardine fishing boat vissersboot sardinier 30
31 schooner schoener goelette 31
32 ship schip navire Schiff buque 32
33 shrimp fishing boat garnalenboot bisquine camaronero 33
34 sloop sloop sloop balandra 34
35 speedboat speedboot hors-bord 35
36 submarine onderzeeër sous-marin U-Boot submarino 36
37 tender tender annexe escampávia, buque-madre 37
38 trawler trawler chalutier Trawler pesquero de arraste 38
39 tub (old boat) rafiot 39
40 tug sleeper remorqueur remolcador 40
41 tuna fishing boat visserboot thonier atunero 41
42 vessel schip vaisseau Fahrzeug buque 42
43 warship oorlogschip bâtiment de combat buque de guerra 43
44 water lighter bateau citerne 44
45 whale boat visserboot ballenera 45
46 wind surfer windsurfer planche à voile Windsurfer 46
47 yacht jacht croisière jacht jacht yate 47
48 yacht (coastal) jacht croisière côtière 48
49 yacht (cruising) kruiser croisière 49
50 yacht (motor) motor jacht yacht 50
51 yacht (plastic-hulled) jacht quillard 51
52 yacht (racing) course-croisière 52
53 yacht (sailing) zeil jacht grand voilier 53
54 yawl yawl 54