Materials on the Boat Translated
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Many thanks to
Cornelis de Maijer for help with the Dutch
And to Sören Brinkmann for help with the German
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materials, metals etc materiali, metalli ecc materiales, metales etc
- - -
1 aluminium aluminium Aluminium alluminio aluminio 1
2 brass cuivre jaune, laiton Messing ottone latón 2
3 bronze brons bronze Bronze bronzo bronce 3
4 copper koper cuivre rouge Kopper rame cobre 4
5 cordage cordage cordame cordaje 5
6 cotton katoen coton Baumwolle cotone algodón 6
7 diesel diesel diesel Diesel diesel diesel 7
8 fibreglass fiberglass fibre de verre vetroresina fibra de vidrio 8
9 foam schuim ecume gomma piuma espuma 9
10 glass reinforced plastic (GRP) versterkt fiberglass fibre de verre GFK plastica di rinforzo vetro (GRP) plástico reforzado cristal (GRP) 10
11 hemp chanvre canapa cáñamo 11
12 iron ijzer fer Eisen ferro hierro 12
13 manilla manille manilla manilla 13
14 nail nagel /spijker clou Nagel chiodo clavo 14
15 nail, rust-less roestvrije nagel pointe chiodo, inossidabile clavo, inoxidable 15
16 nut écrou dado tuerca 16
17 nylon nylon polyamide Nylon nylon nilón 17
18 petrol benzine essence Benzin benzina gasolina 18
19 pitch poix passo echada 19
20 plastic plastic plastique Plastik plastica plástico 20
21 plywood contre-plaqué compensato chapeado 21
22 polyester polyester polyester poliestere poliester 22
23 polypropylene polypropylene polypropylène polipropilene polypropylene 23
24 rope touw bout corda cuerda 24
25 stainless steel roestvrij staal acier inoxydable Edelstahl acciaio inossidabile acero inoxidable 25
26 steel staal acier Stahl acciaio acero 26
27 twine ficelle cordicella guita 27
28 wood hout bois legno madera 28